If you’re a business owner, whether just starting out or you’ve been in the game for a while, you already know that you need to be on social media to reach new customers.

You know this and you want to do this, heck you probably have all the best intentions TO do this. 

So, what gets in the way of you being consistent on social media? 

  • Other business tasks
  • Thinking that it’s too hard
  • Not sure where to start
  • Pressure to always be posting
  • TIME

Is this sounding familiar?

I created this course for business owners. 

This could be the business owner who is a one-man-show or for a bigger business who has a marketing position. 

I love the idea of having this course in place for your marketing position because let's face it.  You will at some point experience turnover and this can be a social media plan that is in place and anyone stepping into the position can pick it up.

This course is going to help you with building a foundation for your social media by determining your goals for social media and determining your audience. (yes this is important, it will help drive your content!) 

I’ll show you how to stay consistent and then how to enter each month with a roadmap on how to create posts.  You are going to become a post creating rockstar, just full of all the good ideas!

By the end of this program,

you will have…


  • A Way to Come up with Post Ideas Each Month

    No longer do you need to sit and stress about what to post, you now have a road map and a plan to follow each month!  Plus tons of content ideas from me throughout the course to inspire you!

  • A Consistent Presence on your Facebook and Instagram accounts (for business)

    This one is HUGE because you are allowing your audience to get to know you and it’s building TRUST! As you consistently provide your audience with valuable information (and maybe even make them laugh from time to time) you will become top of mind for them as they seek out services or if they refer.

  • More TIME Back in Your Business

    A big part of this course is guiding you to plan, create, and schedule your posts.  Scheduling your posts monthly, and before the month hits, allows SO much time to be freed up!  No longer are you stressing everyday on what to post because you now have everything created and scheduled! What project are you going to tackle first?

  • Be on Your Way to Growing in Other Areas of Your Business

    When you start creating and scheduling your posts ahead of time, it allows you to move about your day with less stress which allows for more creativity to come in.  How are you going to use that creativity to expand your business?  It’s also totally OK to not focus on expanding at all and just have less stress during your day.  I bet you start growing anyways because you are building a consistent social media presence…🙌

Enroll in Your Biz +Social Media Today


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What’s Inside Your Biz + Social Media  


Module 1

Let's Strengthen Your Social Media Foundation

I want to give you the confident goods right away.  You can do this and it’s just a matter of learning and putting it to work.  I’ll also talk about what you can expect for creation and growth..and how to grow FASTER!

Module Highlights:

Here are the lessons we’ll go over in this module to BOOST that confidence of yours:

  • Confidence building
  • How to optimize your accounts for success
  • How you can grow and what they may look like
Module 2

Let's Figure Out the "Who" and the "Why"

With this module, we are determining the “who” and the “why” when it comes to posting.  Who are you posting to and why are you wanting to be on social media. I know this part can be easily glossed over but BELIEVE ME!  Knowing these 2 things will help drive your content – AKA help you come up with post ideas.

Module Highlights:

Here are the two lessons we’ll go over in this module

  • Who you want your audience to be – and how this can help you create posts
  • What your goals are for social media – Yeah!  What do you want to get out of social media for your business?!  And yes, this will also help you create posts.
Module 3

Let’s Get Your Brand Style Looking OH So Good

I love branding. So I love this module.  Your brand style is the first impression that your audience is going to get from you.  We create a brand style to increase brand awareness, to look aesthetically pleasing, and it sets you apart from the others in your field.  It allows your business to express itself in a creative way – that gets eyes on it too!

Module Highlights:

Only one lesson for this module!

  • Why your brand style is important AND how to create one!
Module 4

Let’s Plan, Create, and Schedule Your Posts

PCS! PCS! PCS! Plan, Create and Schedule. Like that, eh? Here’s the big kahuna module filled with all the juicy tips and tricks to help you think of post ideas each month and to get your business consistent on social media.

Module Highlights:

We have SO much good stuff to go over, here are the lessons:

  • Posting Schedule and overall monthly gameplan
  • Planning – Determining content pillars and post topics
  • Creating posts in Canva
  • Organizing those posts in a strategized way each month
  • Scheduling!

When You Enroll in This Course, You'll Get



Your Biz + Social Media PLUS a Bonus (shown next)


  • 4 Modules

    Build a foundation with your social media so you know the who’s, why’s and what’s.

    • Who you’re posting to
    • Why you’re posting
    • What you’re posting
  • A Roadmap to follow each month to create posts

    THIS right here is going to make your content creation so easy!  You’ll go into each new month confident in what you are going to post.

  • Consistent social media presence for your business

    You are going to be showing up and people are going to start noticing!  This helps build trust among your audience when you are consistent with your social media. It’s going to help you be top of mind for those who see and engage with your posts.

  • You’re going to get more time back in your business

    Get ready for some GROWTH! Since you’ll have scheduled posts that are just doing their thing through the month, you are going to free up SO much time to focus on other areas of your business!  You can kiss the daily social media doom stress goodbye!

Plus This Bonus to Help You Plan Your Posts Even Better



12 Month Content Calendar

Post ideas for every day of the month!  Use this as a guide to help plan and create your posts each month

What You’ll Get:

Guidance for planning your posts each month. Use this every year!

  • Post ideas for every day of the year (some holiday ideas included!)
  • Customize these to fit your business
  • Increase engagement and brand awareness

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Not Happy? Get Your Money Back

Not feeling the value towards your business growth? 

Remember, this is not a quick fix to your social media issues.  This takes time to implement but it's providing you a roadmap to move forward with confidence. 

If you are not wanting to take the steps towards your social media growth, you can get 100% refunded within one week of purchasing.

Frequently Asked Questions

 What people asked before signing up for Your Biz + Social Media

Enroll in Your Biz + Social Media Today


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Still thinking about it?


Your Biz + Social Media is PERFECT for you if you're… 

  1. The person who’s just getting started and wants to do it right
  2. The person who’s been at this for a while and wants to fix it once and for all
  3. Willing to put in the work
  4. Totally into and know the importance of social media for your business
  5. Looking for a way to easily come up with post ideas each month
  6. Aware and excited of the quickest, most valuable win
  7. Ready to take the actions needed to generate it

I can’t wait for you to experience Your Biz + Social Media

In my business, I see the importance of moving fast with social media… every day.  I need a quick and productive way to come up with posts each month for myself AND for my clients.  Because there’s a lot of them and just one me and we all have the same hours in the day! I’ve become a content creator through and through and as I go, the ideas just flow easier to me.

I know that the same will happen for you as you incorporate this into your business.  I also know that social media is an area that you can have SO much fun with!  If you keep that as an intention, to have fun with your social media, it makes it easier.

Ready to expand your growth with social media?


Enroll in Your Biz + Social Media Today

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